
The Big Move (7-17-17)


Monday, July 17, 2017
A photo found while packing for the big move.

“The stress is hard. Fighting demons is much easier!” That’s what I said to Laura, my wife, as we talked about uprooting our ministry headquarters in Denver and moving more than 1,000 miles away to Phoenix. But as I was overwhelmed with this challenge, I found something. While rummaging through decades of accumulated stuff, I came across a photo.

STOP LAUGHING! Take your eyes off that guy on the right. Yes, it’s me, 40+ years ago. I want to talk about the girl in the center, Carol. She was my first exorcism. (The story is told in my book LARSON’S BOOK OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE. To order CLICK HERE.) The man on the left was a youth minister who helped me that long night of spiritual warfare.

Seeing that picture, all the pressure of the move faded. Suddenly, it wasn’t about boxes, files, job interviews, and deciding what to toss and what to save. It was about Carol. That precious, young woman who was delivered from demons.  

So much has changed since that photo. I’m not talking about the fresh face, the white pants, and the full head of hair. (I told you not to laugh.) It’s about the mission of this ministry that decades haven’t erased. I might not look the same, but I’m still the person in that photo. Still going against the tide of conventional religion. Still taking risks to set the captives free. Still fighting the devil, by God’s grace and with your generous tithes and offerings.
Thank you for your prayers and gifts today to help lift the burden of this move and lift the torment of Satan from those whom God has called us to set free, in His name!

For your Encounter or Skype session CLICK HERE. 
To give your best gift today CLICK HERE. 
Or you can always call 303-980-1511.

An encouraging word: BREAK CURSES & GET FREE
So much evil is perpetrated because of past sins. My book CURSE BREAKING (order by CLICKING HERE) details the way that the sins of our fathers may incline us to evil. That is an uncomfortable truth for some Christian. And it’s opposed by many preachers. But history and contemporary circumstances bear out this truth. When someone says, “He’s a chip off the old block,” that’s more than an observation of intra-generational behavioral patterns. That comment may be identifying a trans-generational curse. Check this matter of generational curses. Lay aside your prejudices and discover that who you are may be strongly influenced by who your ancestors were. Breaking their curses may be the key to victory and success in your life.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online


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Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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