

    This war in heaven represents the ultimate battle between good and evil, light and darkness. It is a battle that has been won at the Cross through Jesus Christ. Satan, however, wars for those he can steal. #boblarsonministries #boblarson.org #spiritualfreedom


    As we gather with our loved ones on this joyous occasion, let us not forget the true reason for celebration - the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He won the ultimate battle at the cross. It is finished.
    #boblarson.org #Heisrisen #spiritualfreedomchurch

    Helping one's family seek ministry is an act of profound compassion and foresight, aimed at alleviating the burdens of pain and fostering healing within the family. At https://boblarson.org you can discover how to get free, stay free and live free.


    Applying this truth to our daily lives can transform our perspective, enabling us to live more fully, with a deeper appreciation for the gift of life and the opportunities for growth and service that come with it. Go to http://boblarson.org, for more encouragement!

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    Help support our urgent mission to bring freedom in Christ to hurting people around the world. Many silently suffer and need a safe place to get help and find freedom. Your donation will enable millions to be effectively helped, trained, and launched through the various outreaches of Dr. Bob Larson’s Spiritual Freedom Church.