
Demonic Double Trouble


A friend sent me the photo of what he’d found on the internet. I could scarcely believe what I saw. A tattoo of a Ouija board on a man’s back. What kind of insanity (or drunkenness) could lead to such a hideous, occult fleshly display is beyond my ken. This man has been hit by a double whammy, twice cursed. First, the tattoo. Our book “Curse Breaking” has a six-page analysis, pages 108-113, of the folly of being inked. Spare me your indignity that I’d indict with spiritual stupidity your pastor who spots a “sleeve” or other any epidurally damaged witness. (To order “Curse Breaking” CLICK HERE.) Among other things, I point out that pagan societies believe that the “mana,” the spiritual fore of the soul, is manifested and indwelt by tattoos. In the book I bluntly state that “consulting a tattooist is tantamount to consulting a witch doctor.” Sound radical? Read the book!

But a tattoo of a Ouija board takes the demonic danger to a whole new level. As the book of Brynne Larson (my daughter),”The Dark Side of the Supernatural,” points out (to order CLICK HERE), “A Ouija board is used to contact demons and brings heavy spiritual oppression . . . my generation is experiencing a paradigm consciousness shift in how the supernatural is viewed. We are entering a no-rules, post-biblical age when the most basic of moral boundaries no longer exist.”

Ever heard the expression, “I’ve got your back.” It usually means that someone is looking after you and protecting you from behind. In this case, “I’ve got your back” means that demons have literally engraved their presence on this misguided man. It’s going to take a lot of lasering and even more deliverance, before he’ll ever be free from this demonic double-trouble.


“Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity,” says Psalm 32:2. To be blessed is to be “happy.” And true happiness, being blessed, is knowing that God has not “imputed” to you any sin. To impute is to charge as guilty. David is saying that true blessedness comes from knowing that one’s sins are forgiven and that the Lord does not ascribe to you the moral guilt of spiritual transgression. If you are a Christian, be blessed that God lays no condemnation on you for any evil you’ve done. All your sins were placed on Jesus at the cross, and you are blessed.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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